How to Get an Aggressive Cat into a Carrier? Facts You Should Know

You: Hey, Kitty! Sorry to tell you, but are under arrest!

The Kitty: Meawwwww….!! (With a gloomy face)

You: Its time to go to the Vet, or let’s take a tour together.

How to Get an Aggressive Cat into a Carrier

How often have you said that to your sweet cat and felt like it’s the most challenging job on the planet to get a cat into a carrier. If the cat is in a bad mood, then this task can drive you crazy. That’s why form my personal experiences, and I’m providing you a guide that explains best on how to get an aggressive cat into a carrier.

How do I get my cat scared in a carrier?

The world runs on motivation. Pets are no different. You have to encourage and influence the cat to get into the cat carrier. Now, you may ask, how can I do it? Here is a step by step guide you can follow:

• Make a Soft Cat Carrier

Ensure placing a soft cloth on the carrier’s floor to absorb urine rapidly and keep the cat dry, all the way.

• Lure the Kitty

Place a treat in the cat crate. If you already gave the meal, he/she might not get attracted. So, for a pre-planned ‘catch the kitty’ game, you might consider keeping the cat starve for a couple of hours.

• Plan B:

Place the carrier’s bottom onto the floor, and the door faces towards the ceiling. Grab up the cat by his front legs and place the other hand beneath his bottom to provide support. Now, place the rear portion of the cat into the carrier and front-facing towards you. Try to keep talking, divert his concentration from what’s happening.

• Final Touch

Shot down the shutter of the carrier. Slowly set back the carrier in a horizontal position and cover it with a light blanket.

How to fix your cat’s fear of carriers?

We all know, cats are sensitive to new environments. Carriers are not usual stuff for them. A proper introduction will give you an edge over the cat’s fear of carriers. The primary motto is to make the carrier another comforting home. Here are some tips and tricks of making a cat conquer the fear of carriers.

• Identify the Popular Hideout

You have to place the cat carrier in the most favorite place of your cat. As a guardian, you know its favorite hideout.

• Prepare the Comfort Zone

Place a soft cloth, blanket, or absorbent towel onto the floor of the carrier.

• Arrange a Picnic Party

Place a treat in the carrier. This will make him go for the food and also conquer the fear of a carrier. You have to repeat this step until the cat gets quite comfortable. Another strategy worth trying is to spray pheromone on the floor. This will attract the cat for the carrier.

• Hold on! It’s a Lock down

After a few sessions, your cat will enter into the carrier playfully. Then, lock down the door slowly, initially for a few seconds. Gradually increase the time. You could arrange a feast at this period; this will keep him clam and diverted.

• Home Sweet Home

Carriers need to be used randomly, not only when you are taking your cat to a vet. Making a comforting cat carrier is the ultimate option.

How do you get a nervous cat to go into a carrier?

Gaining the confidence of a cat to a carrier is the most crucial aspect in this case. You can force him to get into the carrier, but in the long run, it will not be beneficial for the cat and you as well. For example, you are in a hurry to leave, and he is acting stubbornly not to get into jail (as he is thinking). So, to eradicate the jail concept and bring up the sweet home theory, all you need to do is, keep the head cool and follow the rules.

RULE ONE: Acclimatizing the cat with a carrier as early as possible to reduce nervousness

RULE TWO: Create a comfort zone into the carrier by providing soft matts on the floor

RULE THREE: Build up feeding habit of the cat into the carrier.

RULE FOUR: Most of the time, keep the carrier door open, let him think it as a den

RULE FIVE: After growing up as a frequent traveller, shut the door of carrier for a while
and keep practicing

RULE SIX: Repeat this step for few months to get rid of cat’s carrier phobia

But you might not have time to practice all these because you need your nervous cat into the cat crate right now. Then you have to follow the steps in How do I get my cat scared in a carrier section

How to Calm an Aggressive Cat?


Do’s: If you have multiple cats and they are fighting, then segregate them to different rooms.

Don’ts: Never place a two non-neuter male cat in the same space at the time of aggression.

Do’s: Make a gentle sound to draw the cat’s attention, like a clap, metal buzz (mild), aqueous spray with a water gun, or a whistle.

Don’ts: Never let the cats fight it out. They are not capable of resolving their issues on their own. It might get worse if you do so.

Do’s: Male cats are short-tempered and show aggression regularly. That’s why it is wise to neuter cats.

Don’ts: You should not delay the neutering male cats. If he is healthy, do it as early as possible.

Do’s: If you have multiple cats, then you should segregate beds, litter boxes, and food bowls for each cat.

Don’ts: It is not wise to place these beds, litter boxes, and food bowls in one specific place. Randomly distribute these accessories to different areas.

Do’s: Give a treat for desired behaviour.

Don’ts: Don’t give any treat to clam it down. It might provide the cat with a wrong message.

Do’s: Use pheromones to calm the neuter male cats.

Don’ts: Never forget to use diffuser after completion of aggression.

Do’s: If your cat is a female, then leave her alone for a while to cool down.

Don’t: Never try to grab or soothe a cat at the time of aggression; the cat might turn aggression towards you.

Do’s: You might consider switch rooms after a certain period. In this way, cats can get acquainted with each other’s smell.

Don’t: Don’t fix beds and rooms for a longer time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1#. How can I control an upset cat?

Answer: If you have a single cat and if he or she is upset, give the cat some space. Don’t try to hold the cat at this moment. It might turn the cat rude at you.

Q2#. Is it possible to fit two cats in a carrier?

Answer: Yes, it is possible, but you have to be sure about their mood, and if they don’t have any recent history of aggression.

Q3#. Is it OK if I cover the carrier with a blanket?

Answer: It is completely fine to cover the carrier with a blanket. The darker room helps cats to get relaxed quickly.

Q4#. What type of carrier do cats prefer?

Answer: Cats usually feel more comfortable and relaxed in a soft carrier. Hard carriers, on the other hand, can be discomforting and lead to some minor health issues.

Final Words

This ‘cats guide’ will help you to master the parenting—nevertheless, it is more vital for you to understand the psychology of cats and appear accordingly. We will be the best guide for you on this sweet journey with your adorable cats.

Lastly, share this cat tips with your friends and families, who might be struggling with the same issues, but please don’t share with your cats. Don’t want to ruin my reputation in cat communities.