How Do Shock Collars Work? Are They Really Work?

Do we judge a book by its cover? No way, right! Shock collars for dogs are the perfect example of this phrase. There is a large misconception that a shock collar is inhumane and no need to use it further. But, if you know the mechanism of a shock collar, then you will agree with me.

How Do Shock Collars Work

Let me explain how do shock collars work?

Most of the shock collar provides the static shock, around 400 Volt to 6000 Volt. When the button is pressed, little static shock is supplied in the dog’s skin. That transmits a signal to the brain, and the brain saves the memory in the “Not to Do” list. Recurrent training will reduce bad behaviour.

But, more interesting facts are there, and indeed these will help you understand the function of a shock collar, and you want one or not!

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What is a Shock Collar?

Shock collars are neckband for a dog that passes electric impulse to the dog upon getting command from a user interface. Most wide use of dog shock collars is for training dogs and behavioral correction of naughty dogs. Modern shock collars or e-collars are entirely safe to use. 

If you use a shock collar, be sure to get a type with an adjustable shock level. You will want to start with the collar on the lowest setting so that the dog is not hurt. You should adjust the shock level according to your dog’s response to shock.

Wondering what would be the best shock collar with diverse training modes or shock levels. Check this best shock collar with three different training mode. I used it when I travelled to North Carolina in 2018.

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How Do Shock Collars Work? Quick Solution

Now, I will explain how a dog shock collar works in few simple steps. This will help you to understand and better use the shock collar.

Note: The process I am going to describe will match with modern and dog-friendly shock collars.

  • Command from Remote: First thing, you have to pass the shock command by pressing a button or selecting a shocking level. This will pass electrical impulses to the dog collar.
  • Collar Produces Electric Impulse: According to the command, the impulse is generated and transmitted through the dog’s skin.
  • Dog’s Brain Reacts to the Signal: The impulse hits the brain, and the dog’s brain reacts to the shortest pain. The dog gets the message that if he/she does it again, this pain can generate again.
  • Dog Barin Saves the Pain Memory: The memory cells of the dog brain saves the initial memory of pain. If the dog the same mischief once again and then again treated by a small electric shock, then the memory strengthens.
  • Dog Learns What to Do and Not to Do: Finally, after recurrent training, the dog brain automatically resists dogs on what to give which reaction and how.

Why Use Dog Shock Collars?

Dog shock collars are the most convenient and comfortable method to get rid of destructive behaviours out of your dog. With these collars, you can train your pooch not to jump on people, not scratch furniture, and many other unwanted problems that dog owners have with their canines.

The dog will understand your command if you use a dog collar.

Here is one additional tip for using a dog collar

The button should never be held for more than 5 seconds. Many collars allow you to turn the shock off and use an audible warning. Many dogs can be effectively trained with an audible warning only.

How You Should and Should NOT Use a Shock Collar

Dog shock collars are great devices that enable you to carry out commands at a distance. This gives your best friend freedom to be off-lead, knowing that if a fast-moving dump truck, human, or deer came into your space. You have the freedom and ability to command your canine at any distance.

Even though this is a powerful tool for commanding your friend, sometimes it can be abused. Some dog owners, especially when they don’t know how to operate a shock collar, can turn the stimulation beyond the recommended level.

If your pet is not responding to the commands, it means your training progression is futile and has failed. Stop your training session and plan it for a different day.

In case you are pissed off, don’t even think of turning your dog’s collar on. Don’t take your frustrations to your friend who adores you very much.

If your dog isn’t responding, consider hiring the services of a professional dog trainer because they know how do dog training collars work.

A qualified dog trainer will assess your dog and establish the problem. The timing and duration can be varied among the dog breeds.

I will recommend using a dog collar if you own a dog very recently.

Shock Collars: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

There is a lot to debate on when it comes to using shock collars. Many people have always argued that these collars are inhumane and not the best way to train dogs.

On the other hand, some sales pages even raise awareness that dog shock collars are the best when dog training. Despite all these, dog shock collars are still standard for dog training.

Individuals who are these devices claim a dog collar gives dog anxiety and psychological stress. People who have self-tested with these collars claim that they still give painful shocks even with a low setting. These are some of the dog collar side effects.

On the contrary, professional dog trainers claim that modern dog shock collars can be adjusted to minimal settings to feel like a tickle but no a painful shock.

This will maximize dog training sessions and make your friend become a well-mannered creature. Many experienced dog trainers support shock collars strongly and claim that it is the most effective option to train dogs. They further say that the shock is not more than a simple tap and tingle, which is very humane.

Grow Your Bond With Your Dog

Dog shock collars are suitable training devices that improve communication, create a good relationship between the owner. They provide reliable and consistent feedback.

Frequently Ask Question

Q1#. Why shock collars are bad for dogs?

Ans: When these shock collars are not correctly set, they can cause psychological stress, anxiety, and physical pain to the dog.

Q2#. When should you use a shock collar?

Ans: Dog shock collars are the most convenient way to get rid of bad behaviours out of your dog. With these collars, you can train your pooch not to jump on people, scratch your furniture, and many other unwanted problems that dog owners have with their canines.

Q3#. Are police dogs trained with shock collars?

Ans: Not all police dogs are shock collar trained because some states don’t allow these devices. In some states that will enable the use of these collars, police use them for training dogs.

Final Thoughts

Now you know how do shock collars work.

If you have a canine that is a bit difficult to train, then using a shock collar with the right setting is the most effective method to train your dog. Before using a shock collar, make sure you read and follow the manufacturer manual. This will help you not to harm your dog in the process of training.

If you are looking for information regarding dog shock collars and related products, then you are in the right place. Our website will provide you with all the information.